When you have any dental problem or oral injury, you should know if you need emergency dental care and if your dental plan covers you. Not all dental problems are emergencies. A tooth falling out, a toothache, a chipped tooth, or pain from a dental crown can be serious dental problems, but not necessarily emergencies, so it’s best to consider your options in advance.
Emergency dental care includes cases of acute pain Principles of Essential Dental Services in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Urgent intervention cases may include acute infectious diseases of the oral cavity, inflammatory lesions, systemic infection, severe or prolonged bleeding, pain not relieved by taking analgesics, performing dental procedures for medical indications before other emergency procedures.
In difficult cases, the dentist must refer the patient to a specialized institution.
Are toothaches dental emergencies?
A toothache is a serious problem, but may not require emergency dental care. It can be the first sign of a bigger problem. It could lead to more serious dental problems if not cared for. You should call your dentist anytime you have a toothache. The dentist can help you decide if you need to be seen immediately.
What are some common dental emergencies?
Some possible dental emergencies can be a bad toothache, an injury in which a tooth or teeth have been knocked out, a tooth abscess that’s infected. And it is important to know when you should seek emergency dental services.
Talk to your dentist whenever you have dental pain, suffer an injury or trauma to your mouth that includes broken or missing teeth, cuts and other damage.
What are some causes of dental emergencies?
Playing sports, riding bikes, car accidents, work-related accidents, even rough play in and around your home, can lead to oral injuries resulting in a dental emergency.
Other causes include chipping a tooth, drinking from glass bottles or eating something very hard that breaks or cracks a tooth.
If You have dental emergencies and looking for emergency dentist
Our Dental Center will provide you with dental emergency services in Burbank. We are ready to help you ease the pain and save your charming smile. Just call us or book an appointment!
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