Do you struggle with crowded teeth or misaligned jaws that affect your confidence and oral health? Our dental braces and orthodontics treatment offer solutions.
What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is a dental solution for correcting malocclusion, the misalignment of teeth and jaws. We reposition your teeth to enhance your appearance.
Our Treatment Options
At Bright Craft Dental, we provide:
• Traditional braces: Metal brackets gradually reposition teeth with an arch wire.
• Ceramic braces: Clear braces blend with your teeth for a discreet option.
• Invisalign®: Clear, removable trays for inconspicuous teeth alignment.
• Retainers: Maintain teeth positions post-treatment.
Benefits of our treatment:
• Enables thorough teeth cleaning and optimal oral health.
• Aligns your jaw for improved function.
• Enhances speech and prevents teeth grinding, headaches, and sleep apnea.
• Boosts self-confidence.
• Suitable for all ages.
If you or a loved one faces orthodontic issues, contact us today for a happier, healthier, and more confident smile.